Wednesday 28 November 2012

Penataran Temple

    The temple complex of Penataran, which lies about 10 kilometres to the north of Blitar, is the largest in East Java. Known to ancient literature, as well as to inscriptions, as Palah, this temple appears to have undergone continuous construction for some two and a half centuries. Its importance can be witnessed further by the regular visits paid to it by King Hayam Wuruk of Majapahit, as mentioned in the Nagarakertagama. One of the prominent buildings in the complex, the so-called 'dated temple', was in fact built during the king's reign.

    Even though Penataran dates back to at least the reign of King Srengga of Kediri at the end of the 12th century, the remains which we see today are almost entirely the work of Majapahit architects and builders. Inscriptions discovered at the site reveal dates equivalent to A.D.1319, 1320, 1323, 1347,1373,1375 and 1379. The very earliest date, from 1197, can be found on a large stone inscription standing on the south side of the main building, while the latest were inscribed in 1415 and 1454.Blitar is the second small regency in East Java province. 

Blitar is noteworthy for being the hometown of Indonesia's first president, Soekarno and it has principle “Kridho Hangudi Jaya” (work hard to reach the glorious) and its motto “Blitar Kota Patria” (Blitar the defender of the nation that well-regulated, cleanly, beautiful, and safety), also known as heroic city, student city and peaceful city.
Blitar city has try to build its city as ‘Patria’ city which supported by it commerce system. Blitar government chooses the tourism sector as the main product to increase its economic region.

     Beside that, Blitar also has tourism objects as the others East Java’s regencies. The tourism objects that also has known by the public are Penataran Temple which is the ancient Hindu temple, Tambakrejo beach with its fantastic waves, Serang beach that commonly held Larung Sesaji Ceremony, Soekarno Graveyard which is one of Blitar religious tour, traditionally event in Blitar such as Grebeg Pancasila, etc.


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